Improve Team Alignment with Digital Team Check-Ins

Aleksi Saastamoinen
Dec 15, 2023
4 min read

In today's diverse and versatile business world, effective leadership centers on maintaining an organized team environment.

One very powerful tool that modern leaders are leveraging to achieve this is the implementation of digital check-ins. These routine interactions provide an invaluable opportunity to connect with team members, understand their needs, and support your goals for productivity.

Let's look into how digital check-ins can transform you into a more skilled and empathetic leader.

Digital Check-Ins Streamline Your Process

What are digital check-ins?

Digital check-ins are systematic and always ongoing questions that you as a leader pose to your team on a regular basis to gain feedback. These check-in inquiries work best assisted by using specialized software or applications (like Workjoy).

These check-ins streamline your process by automating the questions asked regularly, guaranteeing you consistent communication and feedback with your team.

Digital Check-Ins Focus On Prioritizing Team Needs

The key to effective digital check-ins lies in centering the questions around the team members themselves.

By focusing on individuals’ experiences, challenges, and successes, you will gain valuable insights into the state of your team dynamics, individual aspirations, and potential roadblocks hindering progress.

Using digital check-ins will give you a great general view of the ongoing project since you gain insight from every team member.

Effective Check-Ins Form From Key Questions

Now that we have learned what these digital check-ins are, it is time to see what to include in them.

Follow this framework on your check-in and you will succeed:

  1. Reflect on Wins and Challenges:

    “What were this week’s biggest wins and challenges?”

    Encouraging team members to highlight their achievements and obstacles from the past week fosters a culture of celebration and problem-solving.

    If your read another persons own reflection on their wins and challanges over just a few weeks you really get in sync with their way of thinking and enables you to help them much better as their leader.

  2. Assess Current Performance:

    “What has been working well, and what’s not working well?”

    Identifying what's working well and what isn't allows you to address existing issues promptly, increasing efficiency.

    This means you no longer have to guess how to help but instead you get your team to be explicit about how you can help. This also forces your teammembers to be explicit about the help they need - a key element of taking responsibility for their own performance.

  3. Remove Barriers:

    “What barriers are standing in your way, and how can I help clear them?”

    Understanding the obstacles blocking progress and offering support in overcoming them demonstrates your commitment to the team's success and helps team members to clear the problems from their agenda.

    A key job as a leader is simply to un-block your team so they can execute on your vision.

  4. Meet Information Needs:

    “Do you need any information or data that you’re not getting right now?”

    Ensuring that your team members have access to the necessary data or information crucial for their tasks helps you to promote smoother workflows.

Regular Check-Ins Are Important

Because digital check-ins are all about regular communication, it is important for you to make a clear schedule for them.

Even during periods of apparent smooth sailing, regular team check-ins remain crucial.

They serve as proactive measures to detect and address any underlying issues before they escalate, maintaining a consistent pulse on team dynamics and needs while creating a better team alignment.

Build Team Alignment Through Insight

Engaging in regular check-ins provides you as the leader with a window into your team members' thoughts and feelings about their ongoing projects and tasks.

In addition you will gain knowledge about concerns surrounding the tasks. This will help you solve problems and make the project run smoothly.

This insight helps align your leadership strategies with the team's goals, thereby creating a sense of shared purpose and direction within the team.

How To Keep Your Check-Ins Simple and Time-Efficient

To ensure maximum participation and efficiency, it's crucial to keep your check-ins simple and focused.

Limiting the check-in session to a maximum of 15 minutes per week allows for a broad yet effective discussion with focus on individual team members.

In addition to this method creating a consistent method for gaining knowledge, it is easy to fit into the teams weekly schedule.


Integrating digital check-ins into your leadership routine can significantly enhance your ability to lead a high-performing team.

Digital check-ins will help you form a great big picture of the project.

Digital check-ins create a better team alignment and continuous feedback will flow to both directions.

By prioritizing your team members' needs, fostering open communication, and proactively addressing any faced challenges, you can create an environment conducive to success and continuous improvement.

Embrace this digital tool, and witness the transformation in your leadership role while pushing your team toward greater alignment and success.

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