Get your team on the same page

Make sure the right information is easy to find for everybody.
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7 in 10 employees don't have access to the information needed for mastering their current role.

Sources: Gartner

Make information easy to find

Don't make your teams great insights drown in a mess of irrelevant information. With a less-is-more approach we have built a knowledge-base that is easy to navigate.
WorkJoy digital employee handbooks


Digital handbooks

Wikis are fine for sporadic information but for setting a direction with great storytelling nothing beats a book

Create focus

Sometimes less is more and we have worked hard on creating a knowledge-base that makes it easy to use the same flow across departments.

Collect feedback

Make it easy to always be up to date and relevant with continuously feedback for your handbooks and articles.

The right answer is at your fingertips

With a powerful search engine the right answer is never more than seconds away.
WorkJoy search employee handbooks


Accurate search

Our team drove billions in revenue with e-commerce search engines at our previous company, so we know what works.


Get results in milliseconds so your team never has to wait for knowledge.

Access anywhere

With our command bar you can start a search from anywhere within Workjoy.

Make it easier for your team to know what is right.

Get a demo or try for free today.