Employee Training Material

Training materials are all kinds of content that are a necessary part of any training program or activity that involves learning acquisition and retention. They include written documents, manuals or handbooks, video presentations and online training courses.

Understanding Employee Training Material

Employee training materials are created for a variety of reasons. Some organizations want to improve employee performance, while others are looking to reduce training costs. You can also use them to differentiate your company from competitors or make your employees more competitive in the marketplace. From onboarding new hires to upskilling existing team members, a good training material has a big role for you to promote a culture of continuous learning and make everyone be better at what they do.

What Elements Should Include?

In order to provide a good training, it’s not only about the content by itself but other things to have in mind: 

How to create it? In simple steps

Creating training materials can sometimes seem more complicated than it is. Not only must they be "attractive" and effective, but they must also keep up with the needs and objectives of the business. Creating impactful training materials as a company (instead of taking it from someone outside of the company) allows professionals to adapt to business changes and keep training up to date.

Here is a step by step guide to creating training materials:

  1. Identify Needs: Figure out what your employees need to learn.

  2. Set Goals: Define what you want employees to achieve from the training (And also what they want to achieve!)

  3. Methods: Decide how you'll show and deliver the training (presentations, workshops, online modules).

  4. Organize Content: Arrange the training material in a logical order so the team can follow up without getting lost in the middle. 

  5. Make it Engaging: Use pictures, videos, and activities to keep employees interested. As we mentioned before, it’s really good to make them feel part of it with personal questions and real life experiences. 

  6. Keep it Clear: Use simple language and explain things clearly.

  7. Test and Review: Check the material for mistakes and ask for feedback.

  8. Support: Offer additional resources and help for employees who need it.

  9. Evaluate: See how well the training works and make changes to improve it.

How can WorkJoy help?

WorkJoy will make things easier for you when creating your Employee Training Material. You will be able to create different groups, informing about dates or opening a channel for doubts and queries. Your team will be able to communicate with each other and help each other when they face difficulties, which will foster closeness between them. You can also make yourself available in that group to be asked questions more directly.

Once the training is finished, with WorkJoy you can request feedback and assign tasks to the corresponding team to continue improving the quality of your internal training.