Powerful Search

Everything in Workjoy is searchable. This way you don't have to navigate through a ton of apps to figure out where your stuff is.
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Quickly find what you're looking for

Everything in Workjoy can be found and navigated to through search.
WorkJoy search anything

Search Everything

Lightning fast

We find things while you type so going from one task to another takes mere seconds.

Nicely organized

All results are grouped into types so they are easy to scan through.

Great search engine

Our founders previous company build e-commerce search engines that drove billions in revenue so we got this.

Everything at your fingertips

Workjoys powerful command bar gives pro users everything they need right at their fingertips. Nothing is more than a few keystrokes away.
WorkJoy search anything

Command Bar

Access anywhere

Access the command bar anywhere in Workjoy by simply typing Cmd + K or click search in the menu.

Get things done

The command bar can be used for more than search. You can create new tasks, goals etc directly from anywhere.

Feels like superpowers

With our keyboard-first design pro users can fly though their tasks with Workjoy.

Ready for a calmer workday?

Get a demo or try for free today.