
Balancing synchronous and asynchronous work

Synchronous and asynchronous work are two different ways for humans to collaborate with each their strengths and weaknesses.

Most modern work have traditionally been synchronous and thus many leaders are less familiar with mastering asynchronous work giving them a big disadvantage.

Synchronous work

Synchronous work refers to work that is done in real-time, where two or more people work together at the same time and communicate with each other in real-time.

In synchronous work, participants must be available at the same time to work on the task, which typically involves being at the same physical location or communicating through a live video call or chat platform.



Asynchronous work

Asynchronous work, on the other hand, refers to work that is completed at different times or locations without the need for real-time communication.

In asynchronous work, individuals work independently and communicate through asynchronous channels such as email, project management software or messaging platforms. This allows team members to work on their own schedules and time zones, making it a more flexible and adaptable way of working.



How leaders create balance

As a leader it is not about choosing one or the other but about helping your team have the right mix for them. This balance is highly individual and depends on both the type of work done and peoples personal preferences.

As a great leader you have to master both.

Synchronous work is typically easier for the leader and asynchronous work is typically better for your employees. Forcing your own preference upon others is typically the biggest failure of modern leaders.

As you will see, a lot if Calm Leadership comes from untangling a busy work-life by introducing more asynchronous work into your own leadership.

This works exactly because it makes life easier for your team and thus - in the long run - for you.