Use co-writing for Better Brainstorming Ideas

Agustina Scorticati Louro
Feb 24, 2024
4 min read

You can get good ideas by yourself, but only through teamwork can they be great. One way teams can do this is through structured brainstorming. It's not as complicated as it sounds, it's just a fancy way of saying that everyone works together to think up new things in an organized way.

Structured brainstorming is all about making sure everyone on the team gets to share their ideas. It's like being part of a big conversation where everyone's thoughts are valued. This makes the team stronger because it brings together different points of view, which can lead to better ideas and decisions. 

Let's explore how structured brainstorming can help teams like yours unleash their creativity and come up with amazing solutions.

What is co-writing?

Co-writing is the collaborative process of writing or generating content together with a group of persons. It's a dynamic approach that allows the diverse perspectives, insights, and expertise to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

Co-writing isn't limited to traditional writing tasks like drafting documents or reports. It helps break down barriers between people, encourages everyone to share their thoughts, and lets the team use everyone's knowledge to reach their goals.

Now, let's see how co-writing, especially when we use it in structured brainstorming, can help your team be more creative and work together better.

Sharing Lots of Ideas

Co-writing lets teams share lots of information in a way that's easy to understand. When we write things down, we can explain them in more detail. This helps everyone on the team understand the ideas better, which makes it easier to work together.

Let's say your team is working on a project to improve customer service. Instead of just talking about it, you create a shared document where everyone can list their ideas for making customer service better. People can add details and examples to their ideas, making it easier for everyone to understand what they mean. As a result, your team has a clearer picture of the different ways they can improve customer service and can choose the best ideas to move forward with.

Making Decisions Step by Step

Structured brainstorming also helps teams make decisions in a clear and organized way. It's like following a recipe: 

  1. Problem identification

  2. Proposing solutions

  3. Evaluating and choosing

Let’s say your team is trying to decide on a new logo for your company. Instead of just discussing it in a meeting, you use structured brainstorming. 

First, you create a shared document where everyone can upload their logo ideas. Then, you take some time to review all the ideas and vote on your favorites. Finally, you discuss the top choices as a team and decide on the best logo to move forward with.

Combining Writing and Talking

In structured brainstorming, we use both writing and talking to communicate. Writing things down helps us remember important details, while talking about ideas lets us share our feelings and thoughts. By combining both, teams can understand ideas better and come up with even better solutions.

Now your team is brainstorming ideas for a new advertising campaign. Instead of just discussing it in a meeting, you create a shared document where everyone can write down their ideas. Then, you schedule a meeting to discuss the ideas in more detail. During the meeting, you refer back to the document to make sure you don't forget any important points. As a result, your team has a productive discussion and comes up with a creative and effective advertising campaign.

Leaders Guide the Way

Leaders play an important role in structured brainstorming by helping the team stay on track and make decisions. They make sure everyone gets a chance to share their ideas and that the team stays focused on the task at hand. This makes the team feel supported and motivated to do their best.

Imagine you're the team leader for a project to launch a new product. You use structured brainstorming to gather ideas from your team on how to market the product. You create a shared document where everyone can contribute their ideas, and you schedule regular meetings to review the progress and make decisions. As a result, your team feels motivated and supported, and you're able to launch a successful marketing campaign for the new product.


In conclusion, structured brainstorming is not just a method for generating ideas; it's a catalyst for collaboration, creativity, and collective growth. It's about working together in a way that brings out the best in everyone. When we take the time to listen to each other and share our thoughts openly, we create a space where every idea is valued and every team member feels empowered. This collaborative spirit is what drives innovation and leads to truly remarkable results.

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